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Can we generalize the blood pressure? Are you hypertensive ?

Writer's picture: Dr. Ateendra JhaDr. Ateendra Jha

With new information system and advanced knowledge sources we are getting aware to many things. We are trying to understand the concepts which are out of our domain.

Either we are professionally trained or we are educated at our own level, we believe on what are told in our books and other educational resources.

So we can say that we get theoretical understanding of any concept. And theoretically it is well accepted that 120/80 is normal blood pressure or we can say 140/90 as per new guidelines for elders. With keeping this in our mind we start predicting lot of things.

But have you ever thought how this 120/80 or 140/90 came in existence ?

Why we selected these values as normal pressure?

Actually ... These are the average value.

Average of what ?

These values are average of normal blood pressure of huge group of normal people.

That brings the understanding that, there will be many values more than normal as well as many values less than the normal.

That means many people are with blood pressure more than the 120/80 and many have blood pressure lower than 120/80. But all of them are non hypertensive. That means blood pressure can not be generalized.

Ohhh... Is that mean Blood Pressure is Individualized ?


Yes, Blood pressure is individualized parameter. The pressure which is high for others may be normal for someone and vice-versa.

Blood pressure can not be categorized as hyper until, body is not reacting to that blood pressure adversely.

Blood pressure can be considered as hyper if ;

  1. You are feeling uncomfortable or getting sign and symptoms of high blood pressure.

  2. It is increasing continuously.

Many times our body adjust its pressure as per our lifestyle and environment condition.

So, by just one reading of blood pressure, it will not wise to reach on conclusion that either the patient is really hypertensive patient or he/she is on his/her normal blood pressure.

If signs and symptoms are clearly seen than no issues you can have clear conclusive statement. But if its not than better to move with non pharmacological approach with regular follow ups. If follow ups reveals no increase in blood pressure and no adverse symptoms, then better is to stay on non pharmacological care rather than medicines.

Blood pressure should not be generalized. Your blood pressure is normal till your blood pressure is not affecting your body adversely.

If I give my example , my blood pressure is 110/70 which is lower than 120/80 , so am I hypotensive ?

No ... I am all fine and good. I am not getting any such adverse indication from body. I am normal.

So Be aware, Be Practical and Take Care.


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Will get in touch with you again in next article. Keep Smiling.

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